Topics of Interest

Topics of interest to WWIC 2007 include (but are not limited to) the following:

AAA in mobile environments
Ambient networks
Ad-hoc mobile networks
Blended network configurations
Beyond 3G networks technologies
Cross layer interactions
Economical issues of wireless networks
End-to-end Quality of Service support
Handover techniques
Heterogeneous wireless access networks
Hybrid wired / wireless environments           
Integration of wired and wireless networks
Mobile service level agreements / specification
Mobility management
Network design and network planning
Network mobility
Network coding in mobile networks
Network security in mobile environments
Performance evaluation of wireless systems
Pricing, charging and accounting in wireless networks
QoS routing in mobile networks
QoS signalling in mobile environments         
Resource management and admission control
Service creation and management for wireless
Simulation for next generation mobile networks
Traffic characterisation and modelling
Traffic engineering
Transport protocols and congestion control
Wireless mesh networks
Wireless multi-hop networks
Wireless multimedia systems
Wireless network monitoring
Wireless sensor networks